General info
International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar (ICUA Zadar)
Address: Zadar, Božidara Petranovića 1
Zadar is accessible by air, and there are two nearby airports:
Zadar Airport Zemunik (ZAD) Zadar Airport (
The driving distance between Zadar Airport and the city centre is approx. 12 km.
The company "Liburija d.o.o." provides a public transport service to the city.
Public transport | Zadar Airport (
Split Airport (SPU) (
The distance between Split Airport (SPU) and Zadar is 108 km. The road distance is 130.1 km.
The most convenient route from Split Airport (SPU) to Zadar involves taking a bus via Zadar with a travel time of approx. 3h 40m.
Arriving in Zadar is easy and fast: from Zagreb to Zadar it takes less than 3 hours of pleasant driving.
There are two exits from the highway: "Zadar 1" for those coming to Zadar from the north and "Zadar 2" for those coming from the direction of Split.
The auto route A1 leads to Zadar County and Zadar. It is the main auto route that connects Zagreb with Dalmatia and it is included in the European corridors V and X, and further leads to Ljubljana, Vienna, Budapest or Belgrade, then Istanbul or Athens. It extends parallel with the good two-lane state road D1- Lička magistrala that does not require any payment.
From the direction of Italy it is possible to reach Rijeka by auto route A7 that connects to A1 at Bosiljevo, or just take the colourful Adriatic road D8. The Zadar region itself has a good system of local and regional roads.
Zadar’s passenger port is situated in a traditional location next to the city’s historic core.
Whether you are heading to Ugljan (Pašman), Dugi Otok, Molat, Iž, Silba, Olib, Rivanj, Sestrunj, Zverinac, Ist, Rava, or any other island of the Zadar archipelago, you will have to go through the port of Zadar, the main gateway for ferry travel.
International ferry line 51. Zadar - Ancona (Italy) operates from June 27th until July 26th and September 5th to September 9th, 2024.
International lines 2024: (
Participants are responsible for securing their own accommodation.
Hotels / Accommodation / Zadar Tourist Board
Zadar Travel is a mobile phone application which enables travellers to easily find and book available accommodation in Zadar, chosen from facilities registered in the database of Zadar Tourist Board.
Zadar Travel App - iPhone and Android mobile application
Zadar is a city whose past goes back 3,000 years, when it was first mentioned as a settlement in written documents and historical artefacts. It became a fully urbanized centre during ancient Roman times and remained as such continuously for another two millennia.
Ever since those first records, Zadar has been one of the most important cities on the Eastern Adriatic coast, and an inevitable destination for adventurers, poets and writers. With every step you take, its streets, squares, the seafront, churches and monumental heritage unveil its antiquity and continuity, whereas modern installations show the vision of modernity and inspire new travellers. Three thousand years ago, the foundations were laid, and the adventure started.
Zadar was the military and administrative seat of the Adriatic part of the Republic of Venice and the centre of sea routes between Venice and Corfu. It is located on a peninsula fortified by city walls with a series of bastions and courts and an outer fort facing the mainland. The extraordinary importance of its fortifications was not diminished even by later changes.
Zadar has preserved the most important fortification elements of the alla moderna system of defence: the city walls with a series of powerful bastions of which Ponton was the first alla moderna bastion and the largest bastion in the Adriatic, the monumental Land Gate, a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture from the 16th century and the outer Forte fortress.
The Land Gate was built in 1543 by Venetian architect Michele Sanmicheli and served as the main entrance to the city of Zadar. To this day, the Land Gate retains its status as one of the finest monuments of the Renaissance in Dalmatia.
In 2017 the defence system of Zadar, together with Šibenik fortress of St Nicholas, is listed on the UNESCO List of World Heritage as two of the six components of the transnational series of the cultural asset of the Venetian Works of Defence between the 16th and 17th centuries, together with fortified cities of Bergamo, Peschiera del Garda, city fortress in Palmanova in Italy and fortified city Kotor in Montenegro.